Technical Assistance Centered on THE FOUR DOMAINS
Turnaround Leadership
- Prioritize improvement and communicate its urgency
- Monitor short- and long-term goals
- Customize and target support to meet needs
Talent Development
- Recruit, develop, retain, and sustain talent
- Target professional learning opportunities
- Set clear performance expectations
Instructional Transformation
- Diagnose and respond to student learning needs
- Provide rigorous evidence-based instruction
- Remove barriers and provide opportunities
Culture Shift
- Build a culture focused on student learning and effort
- Solicit and act upon stakeholder input
- Engage students and families in pursuing education goals
In-Depth, Engaging Technical Assistance in a Range of Formats
CSTI can host webinars and workshops for leadership teams to reacquaint them with practices outlined in the Four Domains. We can help you in the following areas:
- Enable tiered systems of support
- Build strategic performance management
- Conduct research-informed needs assessments
This was an incredibly helpful professional learning opportunity. Many thanks to all of you for your presentations, technical assistance, and support. It was outstanding! – Workshop Participant
Using the information that was shared over the last day and a half and the information that comes from leaders [in my state], I was able to draft a theory of action that I will be able to take back… [Our] next steps are all aligned with the four domains. We’ve outlined conversations that need to be held across the agency. – SEA Leader
Thought Leadership Forums
Virtual events led by CSTI staff members can provide information about issues related to school turnaround and the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), giving SEAs the opportunity to discuss these issues with their peers in other states.
Thought Leadership Forum webinars alternate between content-based sessions featuring guest presenters and in-depth state spotlight sessions in which SEA staff share their practices and experiences. Topics covered in past sessions included:
- Evidence-based practices
- Braiding funds
- Exit measures
- Sustainability
Multi-year collaborations can help SEAs and district teams develop coherent and aligned systems that link strategies related to teacher and leader effectiveness, equitable distribution of effective teachers and leaders, and school turnaround. Strategic support and technical assistance in attracting, supporting, and retaining educator talent for all schools.
Any school district that is serious about improving outcomes for students, teachers, and adminis-trators should consider working with the professionals from WestEd. – Jeffrey J. Smith, Superintendent, Balsz School District, Phoenix, AZ