What We Do
The Center for School Turnaround and Improvement (CSTI) at WestEd helps schools improve using a proven approach called the Four Domains for Rapid School Improvement Framework. We partner with states, districts, and schools to support the planning and implementing of improvement efforts involving 12 essential practices that work together to ensure success.
About WestEd
WestEd is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that aims to improve the lives of children and adults at all ages of learning and development. We do this by addressing challenges in education and human development, reducing opportunity gaps, and helping build communities where all can thrive. WestEd staff conduct and apply research, provide technical assistance, and support professional learning. We work with early learning educators, classroom teachers, local and state leaders, and policymakers at all levels of government.
Meet the Team
The CSTI has a team of well-known education experts across the country who are dedicated to helping improve schools.
Jessica Coles
School Improvement Specialist
Contann Dabney
Senior School and District Improvement Facilitator
Terry Hofer
Director of School Improvement
Beth Jackson
School Improvement Program Associate
Smriti Jacob
School Improvement Program Associate
Edgar Lin
Senior School Improvement Turnaround Specialist
Jeannine Medvedich
School Improvement Specialist
Mario Molina
Native American Education Technical Assistance Specialist
Shakinna Patterson
School Improvement Specialst
Kevin Perks
Director of School and District Services
Joseph G. Sassone
School and District Improvement Senior Facilitator
Giselle Sherry-Marsh
School Improvement Specialst
Ashleigh Tillman
School Improvement Specialist
Susan Villani
Senior Program Associate