Domain #2
The Four Domains

Talent Development

Turnaround requires competent and committed personnel at every level and in every position. Policies and procedures to identify, select, place, retain, and sustain these personnel, especially teachers and school-level leaders, are a precursor to school turnaround, and staffing of teachers and leaders for turnaround schools should be approached with equity in mind.

Turnaround competencies are identified and used to select and develop turnaround teachers, model teachers, and leaders. At all levels, educators utilize and hone their instructional and transformational leadership to build capacity in those they supervise by continually balancing support with accountability.

Recruit, develop, retain, and sustain talent

Practice Description

  • Proactively plan to recruit and develop talent with turnaround-specific competencies to quickly fill vacancies that inevitably occur during the turnaround process.
  • Use multiple data sources to match candidate skills and competencies to school needs, prioritizing the highest need schools.
  • Institute succession-planning activities. Create in-house district preparation programs designed to foster and generate turnaround competencies to develop future turnaround leaders and teachers.

School-Based Example

Collaborate with the district to develop a school-specific competency model for turnaround teachers to discern which competencies are prioritized in the teacher selection process for a specific school. Utilize the district turnaround talent pool as the go-to source for hiring assistant principals and teachers. Encourage aspiring leaders to participate in turnaround preparation programs.